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The island of Stakholmen off the coast of Sweden.

So what is your favorite red thing?
Artist Harrison Howard wins the goods for his stunning submission of his favorite red thing, a charming red Gothic cottage in Sweden shown here:

Harrison included this explanation with his submission. "The credit for these pictures goes entirely to Mr. H in Sweden, who shut down his blog quite some time ago, but he keeps the website Giornale Nuovo open to traffic. The images were originally published in 2005. When I think of red, this house often comes to mind. The entire cottage, inside and out is painted in this fiery shade. The house is actually on a desolate island off the coast of Sweden, and a multimedia installation entitled , "Shall We Dance", by a Malm-based artist named Peter Johansson." Harrison included that if he won my contest, I should offer this mysterious Mr. H the prize instead, for making the discovery known. He also shared, "Alessandra Branca is a favorite as far as designers go."If you have read the Stieg Larsson trilogy starting with Girl With a Dragon Tattoo, this territory may sound familiar to you. Thank you for this discovery!

Thank you dear readers for your incredible submissions, it was so hard to choose a winner!